
Our uniform consists of a navy blue jumper, white polo and  grey trousers, skirt or pinafore. There is also the option to wear a blue checked skirt or pinafore although this is not compulsory. Black shoes or plain black trainers (no logos) are to be worn. We also ask that each child has a pair of wellies in school in order that they can access all of our OPAL play zones and our woodland area regardless of the weather.

Uniform with a logo can be ordered online at https://www.border-embroideries.co.uk/schools.html or at the school office. Please note that there is a minimum order on the checked skirts and pinafores therefore these are not available online. Some stock of these items are available to purchase or try on for size in the office.

There is no obligation to wear uniform with a logo on and, providing they are in the correct colours, jumpers etc from local supermarkets are acceptable.

Could parents please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

PE kit
For PE, children need black shorts, and a white t.shirt. Optional pale blue hoodies can also be purchased online from Border Embroideries.

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