
School governors are volunteers who help run schools. They play an important role in managing, supporting and improving schools.

Governors sit on the school’s governing board and work with the school to ensure they improve each year. They:

  • hold the headteacher to account for a school’s performance
  • make sure the budget is spent wisely
  • set the school targets and ensure they are met
  • take part in hearings and appeals
  • making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
  • appoint and dismiss staff

Governors attend meetings during the school year to discuss the school's progress.

GOV.UK has guidance on the roles and duties of governing bodies.

Further information can be found at



Governors can be contacted via

Our Governors

Governing Body

Mike Kidd

Mike Kidd

Chair of Governing Body and Attendance Governor

Steve Newton-Lister

Steve Newton-Lister

Vice Chair, SEND Governor and OPAL link Governor

Jeanette McCallig

Jeanette McCallig

Safeguarding Governor

Tracy Bell

Tracy Bell

EYFS Link Governor

Leanne Rogers

Leanne Rogers

Well-Being Link Governor

Elizabeth Kett

Elizabeth Kett

Health & Safety Link governor

Rev Bernard Noghiu

Pupil Premium Link Governor


The Governing Body of Maryport Church of England Primary School

The Governing Body needs to take a strategic role, act as critical friend to the school and be accountable for its decisions. It should set aims and objectives and agree, monitor and review policies, targets and priorities.

Terms of reference

  • To agree constitutional matters*, including procedures where the governing body has discretion
  • To recruit new members as vacancies arise and to appoint new governors* where appropriate
  • To hold at least three full governor meetings per year*, with three further meetings of each committee
  • To appoint or remove the chair and vice chair*
  • To appoint or remove a clerk to the governing body*
  • To appoint or remove co-opted governors
  • To establish the committees of the governing body* and their terms of reference
  • To appoint the chair of any committee ( if not delegated to the committee itself)
  • To suspend a governor*
  • To appoint, suspend or remove the headteacher or deputy headteacher*
  • To establish disciplinary/capability procedures
  • To decide which functions of the governing body will be delegated to committees, groups and individuals*
  • To receive reports from and individual or committee to whom a decision has been delegated and to consider whether any further action by the governing body is necessary*
  • To ensure the governing body complies with the requirements of the Freedom of information Act and put in place procedures for dealing with requests for information
  • To establish a policy which decides what expenses would be paid to governor and associate members to ensure they are not out of pocket for the valuable work they do for the school
  • To approve the first formal budget plan for the financial year
  • To approve the health and safety policy and revisions where appropriate  to ensure all health and safety regulations are followed
  • To review annually the appraisal policy
  • To establish a discipline policy
  • To publish proposals to change the category of the school
  • To ensure there are effective confidential reporting arrangements for staff and governors
  • To ensure that any business interests are declared at each meeting by everyone present and that a register of governors Business interests is maintained
  • To appoint a ‘reasonable person’ in respect of pupils with SEND
  • To decide whether to offer or cease offering extended school provision
  • To review the delegation arrangements annually*

*these matters cannot be delegated to either a committee or an individual

Reporting arrangements must be established between the governing body and its standing committees which ensures a proper flow of information accounting for the work and decisions of those committees on behalf of the governing body.


Quorum: the quorum for a full governing body meeting and vote must be one half (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the complete membership of the governing body, excluding any governor vacancies. For committees, the quorum is three.

The terms of reference for each committee can be found below -

Governor Committee Terms of Reference


Further information about Governance in schools can be found below -

Governor documents

Governors 2024-25

Governors 2023-24

Governors 2022-23

Governors 2021-22

Governors 2020-21

Governors 2019-20

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