Welcome to our lower Key Stage 2 (LKS2) classes at Maryport Church of England Primary School. This year we have 3 classes in Y3/4 which are -

Pine - Miss Harrison & Miss Blamire

Juniper - Mrs Rowland Jones & Mrs Nicholson

Ash - Mrs Brinicombe & Mrs Walling


We are friendly, kind and supportive classes who always persevere and try our best. We understand that effort is the key to success and together we make a great team.

During Year 3 and 4 we will further develop our skills, knowledge and understanding from previous years, whilst challenging ourselves to become more independent and take ownership of our own learning. We will provide children with a range of exciting experiences where they are given the opportunity to continue to ‘Learn, Achieve and Shine’ whilst developing a love of learning.

We aim to ensure that every child is confident in their own ability and enthusiastic about their own learning. Our staff are encouraging, understanding and supportive, in return we expect pupils to have a positive ‘can do it’ attitude to learning where they always try their best. Our Christian values are consistently referred to both in our classroom and in our collective worship assemblies. We strive for every child to remain on the Lord’s path and to be ready, be respectful and be safe.

We hope every child has an enjoyable time Year 3 and Year 4 and are equipped with a wealth of knowledge and a passion for learning for the following years at Maryport Church of England Primary School.


Year 4 Multiplication Check – June

The check is a series of quick-fire times table questions to test knowledge of multiplication tables between 2 and 12. There'll be an emphasis on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 tables because these are considered to be the most difficult.

Who is it for?

Year 4 children

What happens?

Each pupil has to answer 25 questions and access the questions online using an iPad or PC.

They have 6 seconds to answer each question. An on-screen timer will count down the time available for each question. There'll be multiple versions of the test. The version each pupil gets is selected at random. After half term, the children will get the opportunity to have a go at completing practice tests. The children will then do the actual check in June.

What can I do to help my child?

All children have preferred ways to learn - just like we do as adults! Your child may like to write out times tables over and over again, or practice questions, or they may learn best by singing, dancing or playing a board game. There are many different ways to practice. Your child's class teacher will give them specific homework linked to times tables to help prepare them. Please encourage your children to do this every week and help them with it after they have had a try themselves.

Also, feel free to click the guide below for a range of extra ways you can practice times tables with your child and choose the ones that work best for you.

Click below for a parent guide to the check -

Information for parents: multiplication tables check




Useful links:






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